Do I Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer or Advocate?
70% of social security disability benefit applications are denied. Understand why you need representation fighting on behalf of your claim.
70% of social security disability benefit applications are denied. Understand why you need representation fighting on behalf of your claim.
Explore whether you or a loved one meet the social security administration requirements for disability benefits due to dementia and early on-set Alzheimers.
If your disability claim was denied, understand the social security disability appeal process and which determinations can be appealed.
How well do you understand the process of workers' compensation? Make sure you know these important facts on workers' compensation claims.
Injuries can happen in almost any field of work, but certain industries tend to generate more workers' comp claims than others! Learn more here.
Legal Questions (And Answers) After a Workplace Injury Have you recently suffered a workplace injury? What are your rights? We discuss the common legal questions you may have and provide [...]
Common Workplace Accidents and Their Implications What are the most common types of workplace accidents? If you've been injured on the job, what are the implications of this injury? We [...]
According to research, instances of workplace injuries increased by 7.3% in 2016, and continue to rise year-after-year. Much of these workplace injuries are attributed to workplace violence, transportation, and falls. [...]
When you think of workers' compensation, you most likely imagine an isolated but devastating event. This could be an employee who falls from scaffolding and incurs traumatic brain injury, or [...]
Sadly, you might lose employer sponsored health insurance coverage while you receive workers’ compensation benefits. Massachusetts state law protects injured workers from any retaliation they might face simply because they [...]